Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Renaissance & Me

      Renaissance touched my life in Mid-2010, though the primary version. The first question came to my mind was what I actually want to be in life. Is money is everything I'm looking ahead for. I started introspecting myself by straining each thought to skim out the best one. Resultant were 3, first Paisa, paisa paisa; second Power; third is Fusion of 1st & 2nd.  
For Paisa, I don't have to take anymore risk & very much on the path to achieve more and more. Does it have any end in itself, or just mean to endless race ?  Also risk taken by me for Paisa has not landed me to the best cadre of our age. Foremost cause is late arrival of Renaissance due to my insensitivity towards life actual purpose.  However, better late than never concept is currently working and I have yet not missed the  train.
  Working on the damage controlled mode, I analysed that breaking the build-up structure and trying to work on the brownfield project will not yield optimum output as could be in the green-field project if attempted & succeeded.
      The 2nd Resultant, Power is sustainable in itself with transparent mean as well as end. However, it is not more, more & more i.e. it has its identical limitations.